Monday, November 19, 2012

It's Complicated?

Com·pli·cat·ed   [kom-pli-key-tid] adj
Difficult to analyze, understand, explain, etc.

Thanks to Facebook university, there are a few people I know, who
say are in a complicated relationship. Simply put, they are not sure
where they are.

Suddenly one day, I realized that things can actually be complicated, even
though, you don’t dwell in the unknown, mysterious or not clearly defined.

It can also be as such, when things move forward, but not in the much
clichéd path.

For example, there is one person in my life, who started off with being
an acquaintance, moved up to being a friend, to good friend, to critic, counselor,
philosopher and now I have my very own Deepak Chopra.
Beat that.

I keep thinking, if this was a trajectory of a satellite launch vehicle,
you'd be getting weather reports not from outer space,
but from the depths of the Pacific.

1 comment:

Prasanth said...

Very creative writing - Diagram expresses much more than words. You definitely are not predictable for readers. Very funny - I found a bit of sarcasm and slapstick comedy in your writing.....

Keep it coming, love to follow your blog.....